The Bichon Frise is a small, decorative breed of dog. It has a cute appearance and is higly intelligent. Bichon Frise dogs have all the qualities of an ideal family dog and a strong desire to share their love with those around them. Bichons are adaptable companions who get on well with other dogs and children.
The Maltese Bichon is a dog with a cute appearance and a friendly disposition. He is characterized by inexhaustible activity both outdoors and at home. When trained from a young age, it gets along well with children and other animals. Dogs of this breed do not like to be alone and simply adore the company of people and especially their owners.
Pomeranian Spitzes, also called German Miniature Spitzes or Pomeranians, are small, decorative breed dogs that look like little fox cubs. The distinctive feature of these dogs is their lush and dense coat, which gives them elegance. The Pomeranian Spitz is a friendly and intelligent dog that gets along well with children and other animals.
I have lived with dogs for over 35 years which is most of my life. Loving them helped me understand the needs of pets for them to grow up healthy and happy. For me, dogs are the best teachers, source of inspiration, they show me the way in life and motivate me to create. Living with dogs made me feel how important a source of love for an animal is in every person's life.
My first dog, a silver poodle named Kika, inspired me to step into the world of animals and to delve into the peculiarities of dog care and breeding. While raising Kika, I learned the secrets of poodle grooming and at the age of 16 I was already working as a dog groomer. At the age of 18, I became the president of the poodle club, and at the age of 23, I became an international judge, the youngest judge in the world. During my career, I looked at animals from different perspectives (owner, groomer, breeder, judge), but my great love for dogs led me to the path of a breeder. This is my true vocation, to which I have dedicated my life.